(Most of recent years’ papers, and a partial list of the earlier ones):
- B. Fischer and M.W. Klein, “Magnetic and nonmagnetic impurities in two-dimensional metals”, Phys. Rev. B 11, 2025 (1975).
- B. Fischer and M.W. Klein, “New Kind of Phase Transition in Randomly Distributed Tunneling Dipoles in Alkali-Halides”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 756 (1976).
- a. B. Fischer and M.W. Klein, “Strain Defects in Alkali-Halides: A Heuristic Model for Glasses”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 289 (1979). 3 b. M.W. Klein, B. Fischer, A.C. Anderson and P.J. Anthony, “Strain Interaction and the Low-Temperature Properties of Glasses”, Phys. Rev. B 18, 5887 (1978).
- B. Fischer, M. Cronin-Golomb, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Amplified Reflection, Transmission and Self-Oscillation in Real-Time Holography”, Opt. Lett. 6, 519 (1981).
- J.O. White, B. Fischer, M. Cronin-Golomb and A. Yariv, “Coherent Oscillation by Self-Induced Gratings in the Photorefractive Crystal BaTiO3”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 450 (1982).
- B. Fischer, M. Cronin-Golomb, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Amplifying Continuous Wave Phase Conjugate Mirror with Strontium Barium Niobate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 863 (1982).
- M. Cronin-Golomb, J.O. White, B. Fischer and A. Yariv, “Exact Solution of a Nonlinear Model of Four-Wave Mixing and Phase Conjugation”, Opt. Lett. 7, 313 (1982).
- B. Fischer, M. Cronin-Golomb, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Real-Time Phase Conjugate Window for One-Way Optical Field Imaging Through a Distortion”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 141 (1982).
- M. Cronin-Golomb, B. Fischer, J. Nilsen, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “A Laser with Dynamic Holographic Intracavity Distortion Correction Capability”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 219 (1982).
- M. Cronin-Golomb, B. Fischer, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Passive (Self-Pumped) Phase Conjugate Mirror: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 689 (1982).
- M. Cronin-Golomb, B. Fischer, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “A Passive Phase Conjugate Mirror Based on Self-Induced Oscillation in an Optical Ring Cavity”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 42, 919 (1983).
- M. Cronin-Golomb, B. Fischer, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Theory and Application of Four Wave Mixing in Photorefractive Materials”, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics QE–20, 2 (1984).
- B. Fischer and S. Sternklar, “Image Transmission and Interferometry Through Multimode Fibers using Self-Pumped Phase Conjugation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 46, 113 (1985).
- B. Fischer and S. Sternklar, “A New Optical Gyroscope Based on the Ring Passive Phase Conjugator”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 1 (1985).
- B. Fischer, “Theory of Self Frequency Detuning of Oscillators by Wave Mixing in Photorefractive Crystals”, Opt. Lett. 11, 236 (1986).
- S. Sternklar, S. Weiss and B. Fischer, “Tunable Frequency Shift of Photorefractive Oscillators”, Opt. Lett. 11, 165 (1986).
- S. Sternklar, S. Weiss, M. Segev and B. Fischer, “Beam Coupling and Locking of Lasers Using Photorefractive Four-Wave Mixing”, Opt. Lett. 11, 528 (1986).
- S. Sternklar, S. Weiss, M. Segev and B. Fischer, “Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with Multimode Fibers Using the Double Phase Conjugate Mirror”, Appl. Opt. 25, 4518 (1986).
- S. Weiss, S. Sternklar and B. Fischer, “Double Phase Conjugate Mirrors: Analysis, Operation and Applications”, Opt. Lett. 12, 114 (1987).
- B. Fischer, S. Weiss and S. Sternklar, “Spatial Light Modulation & Filtering Effects in Photorefractive Wave Mixing”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 483 (1987).
- S. Sternklar, S. Weiss and B. Fischer, “Optical Information Processing with the Double Phase Conjugate Mirror”, Optical Engineering 26, 423 (1987).
- M. Segev, S. Weiss and B. Fischer, “Coupling of Diode Laser Arrays with Passive Phase Conjugate Mirrors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 1397 (1987).
- B. Fischer and S. Sternklar, “Self Bragg Matched Beam Steering Using the Double Color Pumped Photorefactive Oscillator”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 74 (1987).
- S. Sternklar and B. Fischer, “Double Color Pumped Photorefractive Four Wave Mixing Oscillator and Image Color Conversion”, Opt. Lett. 12, 711 (1987).
- S. Weiss, M. Segev, S. Sternklar and B. Fischer, “Photorefractive Dynamic Optical Interconnects”, Appl. Opt. 27, 3422 (1988).
- B. Fischer, S. Sternklar and S. Weiss, “Photorefractive Oscillators”, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 25, 550 (1989).
- S. Weiss and B. Fischer,”Photorefractive Saturable Absorptive and Dispersive Optical Bistability”, Opt. Comm. 70, 515 (1989).
- M. Segev, Y. Ophir and B. Fischer, “Nonlinear Multi Two-Wave Mixing, the Fanning Process and its Bleching in Photorefractive Media”, Opt. Comm. 77, 265 (1990).
- M. Segev, Y. Ophir and B. Fischer, “Photorefractive Self-Defocusing”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1086 (1990).
- a. O. Werner, B. Fischer, A. Lewis and I Nebenzahl, “Saturable Absorption, Wave Mixing and Phase Conjugation with Bacterio-Rhodopsin”, Opt. Lett. 15, 1117 (1990); 30 b. O. Werner, B. Fischer and A. Lewis, “Strong Self-Defocusing Effect and Four-Wave Mixing in Bacteriorhodopsin Films”, Opt. Lett. 17, 241 (1992).
- M. Segev, Y. Ophir, B. Fischer and G. Eisenstein, “Mode-Locking and Frequency tuning of a Laser Diode Array in an External Cavity Using a Photorefractive Phase Conjugate Mirror”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 2523 (1990).
- M. Horowitz, D. Kligler and B. Fischer, “Time Dependent Behavior of Photorefractive two and Four-Wave Mixing”, J. Opt. Soc. of Am. B 8, 2204 (1991).
- a. B. Fischer, O. Werner, M. Horowitz and A. Lewis, Passive Transverse mode organization in a photorefractive oscillator with saturable absorber, Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 2729 (1991); 33 b. B. Fischer, O. Werner, M. Horowitz and A. Lewis, Passive transverse-mode-locking in a photorefractive oscillator with saturable absorber, CLEO, CFP2, 1991.
- M. Segev, B. Crosignani, A. Yariv and B. Fischer, “Spatial Solitons in Photorefractive Media”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 923 (1992).
- M. Horowitz, A. Bekker and B. Fischer, “Broadband Second Harmonic Generation in Sr_xBa1-xNb2O6 by Spread Spectrum Phase Matching with Controllable Domain Gratings”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 2619, (1993).
- a. B. Fischer, J. Zyskind, J. Sulhoff and D. J. DiGiovanni, “Nonlinear wave mixing and induced gratings in erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, Opt. Lett. 18, 2108, (1993). 36 b. B. Fischer, J. Zyskind, J. Sulhoff and D. J. DiGiovanni, “Nonlinear Four-Wave Mixing in Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers”, Electronics Lett. 29, 1858 (1993).
- M. Horowitz, A. Bekker and B. Fischer, “A New Image and Hologram Fixing Method with SrxBa1-xNbb2O6Crystals”, Opt. Lett. 18, 1964 (1993).
- B. Fischer and M. Horowitz, “Simultaneous Generation of Sum, Difference and Harmonics of Two Laser Frequencies”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 679, (1994).
- a. M. Horowitz, R. Daisy, B. Fischer and J. Zyskind, “Linewidth Narrowing Mechanism in Lasers by Nonlinear Wave Mixing”, Opt. Lett. 19, 1406 (1994). 39 b. M. Horowitz, R. Daisy, B. Fischer and J. Zyskind, Narrow-linewidth, singlemode erbium-doped fibre laser with intracavity wave mixing in saturable absorber”, Electronics Lett. 30, 648 (1994). 39 c. M. Horowitz, R. Daisy and B. Fischer, “Filtering behavior of self-induced three-mirror cavity formed by intracavity wave mixing in a saturable absorber”, Opt. Lett. 21, 299 (1996).
- B. Fischer, A Rosen and S. Fishman, “Localization in Frequency for Periodically Kicked Light Propagation in a Dispersive Single Mode Fibers”, Opt. Lett. 24, 1463 (1999).
- S. A. Havstad, B. Fischer, A. W. Willner and M. G. Wickham, “Loop-Mirror Filters based on saturable Gain or Absorber Gratings”, Opt. Lett. 24, 1466 (1999).
- B. Fischer, A. Rosen, A. Bekker and S. Fishman, “Experimental Observation of Localization in the Spatial Frequency Domain of Optical Kicked System”, Phys. Rev. E 61, R4694, (2000).
- A. Rosen, B. Fischer, A. Bekker, and S. Fishman, “Optical Kicked System Exhibiting Localization in the Spatial Frequency Domain”, J. Opt. Soc. of Am. B (JOSA B) B17, 1579 (2000).
- B. Fischer, B. Vodonos, S. Atkins and A, Bekker, “Dispersion-mode pulsed laser”, Opt. Lett. 24, 728, (2000).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit, A. Bekker and B. Fischer, “Real-time spectrum analyzer based on chirped fiber Bragg gratings”, Electronics Lett. 36, 1189 (2000).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit, S. Atkins and B. Fischer, “Time-lens based spectral analysis of optical pulses by electrooptic phase modulation”, Electronics Lett. 36, 1644, (2000).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Optical pulse intensity and phase measurement by time-to-space conversion based on time-lens operation”, Electronics Lett. 37, 1033 (2001).
- B. Fischer, B. Vodonos, S. Atkins and A. Bekker, “Demonstration of localization in the frequency domain of mode-locked lasers with dispersion”, Opt. Lett. 27, 1061 (2002).
- A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Phase transition theory of many-mode ordering and pulse formation in lasers”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 103901 (2002).
- S. Atkins and B. Fischer, “All-optical pulse rate multiplication by fractional Talbot effect and field to intensity conversion with cross gain modulation”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 15, 132 (2003).
- N. K. Berger, B. Vodonos, S. Atkins, V. Smulakovsky, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Compression of periodic light pulses using all-optical repetition rate multiplication”, Opt. Comm. 217, 343, (2003).
- A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Inhibition of modulation instability in lasers by noise”, Opt. Lett. 28, 1326 (2003).
- S. Atkins, B. Vodonos, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Fractional dispersion modes in pulsed fiber lasers”, Opt. Comm. 222, 393 (2003).
- A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Phase transition theory of pulse formation in passively mode-locked lasers with dispersion and Kerr nonlinearity”, Opt. Comm. 223, 151 (2003).
- S. Atkins, A. Rosen, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Evolution of localization in frequency for modulated light pulses in a recirculating fiber loop”, Opt. Lett. 28, 2228 (2003).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit, S. Atkins, and B. Fischer, “Repetition rate multiplication of optical pulses using uniform fiber Bragg gratings”, Opt. Comm. 221, 331 (2003).
- A. Gordon, B. Vodonos, V. Smulakovski, and B. Fischer, “Melting and freezing of light pulses and modes in mode-locked lasers,” Opt. Express, 11, 3418 (2003), PDF.
- J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Spectral Fraunhofer regime: time-to-frequency conversion by the action of a single time lens on an optical pulse”, Appl. Opt. 43, 483 (2004).
- J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “ Spectro-temporal imaging of optical pulses with a single time lens”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16, 882 (2004).
- A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Statistical mechanics theory of active mode locking with noise”, Opt. Lett. 29, 1022 (2004).
- A. Ben-Bassat, A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “High order stimulated Brillouin scattering in single-mode fibers with strong feedback”, Ukr. J. Phys. 49, 496 (2004).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Compression of periodic optical pulses using temporal fractional Talbot effect”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16, 1855 (2004).
- O. Gat, A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Solution of a statistical-mechanics model for pulse formation in lasers”, Phys. Rev. E 70, 046108 (2004).
- B. Vodonos, R. Weill, A. Gordon, V. Smulakovsky, A. Bekker, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Formation and annihilation of laser light pulse quanta in a thermodynamic-like pathway”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 153901 (2004).
- J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit, V. Smulakovsky and B. Fischer, “Frequency shifting of microwave signals using a general temporal self-imaging (Talbot) effect in optical fibers”, Opt. Lett. 29, 2849 (2004).
- J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Simplified temporal imaging systems for optical waveforms”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 17, 94 (2005).
- Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Time-to-frequency conversion of optical waveforms using single time lens system”, Physica Scripta T118, 115 (2005).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Complete characterization of optical pulses using chirped fiber Bragg grating”, Opt. Comm. 251, 315 (2005).
- O. Gat, A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Light-mode locking: a new class of solvable statistical physics systems”, New J. Phys. 7, 151 (2005); or in http://arXiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0407514 .
- R. Weill, A. Rosen, A. Gordon, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Critical behavior of light in mode-locked lasers”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 013903 (2005).
- N. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Phase measurement of periodic optical pulses using temporal fractional Talbot effect”, Electronics Lett. 41, 57 (2005).
- B. Vodonos, A. Bekker, V. Smulakovsky, A. Gordon, O. Gat, N. K. Berger and B. Fischer “Experimental study of the stochastic nature of the pulsation self-starting in passive mode-locking “, Opt. Lett., Opt. 30, 2787 (2005).
- J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit, V. Smulakovsky and B. Fischer, “Reconfigurable generation of high repetition-rate optical pulse trains based on temporal diffraction gratings, Opt. Lett. 30, 3228, (2005).
- a. O. Shapira and B. Fischer, “Localization of light in a random grating array in a single mode fiber”, J. Opt. Soc. of Am. B (JOSA B), 22, 2542 (2005); 74 b. This work was firstly presented in the “Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics”, CLEO paper CTuM41, Baltimore, 2001.
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit, V. Smulakovsky and B. Fischer, “Complete Characterization of Optical Pulses by Real-Time Spectral Interferometry”, Appl. Opt. 44, 7862 (2005).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit, and B. Fischer, “Delay lines with tailored high-dispersion orders for periodic optical pulses”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 18, 1485 (2006).
- Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Broadband arbitrary waveform generation based on microwave frequency upshifting in optical fibers”, IEEE J. Lightwave Techn. 24, 2663 (2006).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Reshaping Periodic Light Pulses using Cascaded Uniform Fiber Bragg Gratings”, IEEE J. Lightwave Techn. 24, 2746 (2006).
- M. Katz, A. Gordon, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Non-Gibbsian stochastic light-mode dynamics of passive mode-locking”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 113902 (2006).
- R. Gordon, Omri Gat, B. Fischer and F. X. Kärtner, “Self-starting of passive mode locking”, Opt. Express 14, 11142 (2006); or PDF .
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, M. Kulishov and D. V. Plant and J. Azana,, “Temporal differentiation of optical signals using a phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating”; Opt. Express 15, 371 (2007) or PDF .
- N. K. Berger and B. Fischer, “Unified approach to short optical pulse recording and spatial imaging with subwavelength resolution”, Opt. Comm. 274, 50 (2007).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, ” Optical comb filter based on spectral Talbot effect in uniform fiber Bragg gratings”, Electronics Lett. 43, 665 (2007).
- R. Weill, B. Vodonos, A. Gordon, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Statistical light-mode dynamics of multipulse passive mode locking”, Phys. Rev. E 76, 031112 (2007); (See publisher note in Phys. Rev. E 76, 059903 (2007).
- N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, and J. Azana, “Picosecond flat-top pulse generation by low-bandwidth electro-optic phase sinusoidal phase modulation”, Opt. Lett. 33, 125 (2008).
- M. Nazarathy, Z. Zalevsky, A. Rudnitsky, B. Larom, A. Nevet, M. Orenstein, and B. Fischer, “All optical linear reconfigurable logic with nonlinear phase erasure”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. (JOSA) A 26, A21, (2009).
- M. Katz, B. Fischer, and O. Gat, “Gain balance of pulses and noise in passive mode-locking with slow saturable absorber”, Opt. Lett. 34, 2267 (2009).
- M. Katz, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Noise-induced oscillations in fluctuations of passively mode-locked pulses”, Opt. Lett. 35, 297 (2010).
- R. Weill, B. Fischer, O. Gat, “Light-mode condensation in actively mode-locked lasers”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 173901 (2010).
- A. Rosen, R. Weill, B. Levit, V. Smulakovsky, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Experimental observation of critical phenomena in a laser light system”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 013905 (2010).
- R. Weill, B. Levit, A. Bekker, O. Gat, and B. Fischer, “Laser light condensate: Experimental demonstration of light-mode condensation in actively mode locked laser”, Opt. Express 18, 16520 (2010), or PDF.
- M. Zakai and B. Fischer, “The distribution route from ancestors to descendants”, B.D.D. (Bar-Ilan University Press) 23, 71, (2010).
- M. Katz, V. Smulakovsky, A. Bekker, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Experimental study of the stability and optimization of multi-pulse passive mode-locking”, Opt. Lett. 35, 4054 (2010).
- N. Berger, B. Levit, and B. Fischer, “Measurement of fiber chromatic dispersion using spectral interferometry with modulation of dispersed laser pulses”, Opt. Comm. 283, 3953, (2010).
- R. Weill, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Spectral sidebands and multipulse formation in passively mode-locked lasers”, Phys Rev. A 83, 043831, (2011).
- B. Fischer and R. Weill, “When does single-mode lasing become a condensation phenomenon?”, Opt. Express 20, 26704 (2012); or pdf and http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.2709v2.
- B. Fischer and A. Bekker, “Many-Body Photonics”, Optics & Photonics News (OPN) 24, 40 (2013).
- A. Schwartz and B. Fischer, “Multi-dimensional laser mode-combs”, Opt. Express, 21, 6196, (2013); or PDF, also in http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.2712.
- G. Oren, A. Bekker and B. Fischer, “Classical condensation of light pulses in a loss trap in a laser cavity”, Optica Vol. 1, p. 145, 2014, or a pdf file: Optica 1, 145 (2014).
- R. Weill, A. Bekker, V. Smulakovsky, B. Fischer and O. Gat, “Noise-mediated Casimir-like pulse interactions mechanism in lasers”, Optica 3, 189, 2016, or a pdf file: Optica, Vol. 3, 189 (2016), Supplementary Information.
- M. Zhurahov, A. Bekker, B. Levit, R. Weill, and B. Fischer, “CW Laser Light Condensation”, Opt. Express 24, 6553 (2016) or in pdf.
- R. Weill, A. Bekker, B. Levit, R. Weill, and B. Fischer, Breaking two laser axioms Lasing without inversion and thermal equilibrium”: https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.01681v1, (2016) https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.01681v2 or pdf: arXiv v. 2 (2017).
- R. Weill, A. Bekker, B. Levit, M. Zhurahov, and B. Fischer, “Thermalization of one-dimensional photon gas and thermal lasers in erbium-doped fibers”, Opt. Express 25, 18963 (2017) or a pdf file: Opt. Express 25, 18963 (2017).
- M. Zhurahov, A. Bekker, B. Levit, R. Weill, and B. Fischer, “Bistability in a ring erbium-doped fiber laser due to ejected backward amplified spontaneous emission,” Opt. Express 25, 32541 (2017) or pdf: Opt. Express, 25, 32541 (2017).
- Y. Sourani, A. Bekker, B. Levit and B. Fischer, Tuning, selecting and switching wavelengths in lasers with chirped and sampled fiber Bragg gratings by high-order mode-locking”, Opt. Comm. 431, 151 (2019), and Supplementary Video S1 and Video S2.
- R. Weill, A. Bekker, B. Levit, and B. Fischer, “Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in an Er-Yb co-doped fiber cavity”, Nature Comm. 10, 747 (2019), or Nature Comm., 10, 747, 2019, Supplementary Information.
- A. Bekker, B. Levit, R. Weill, and B. Fischer, “Nonlinear light mode dispersion and nonuniform mode comb by a Fabry-Perot with chirped fiber gratings, Opt. Express 28, 18135 (2020); or pdf: Opt. Express 28, 18135 (2020).
- R. Weill, A. Bekker, B. Levit, and B. Fischer, “Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in a long fiber cavity”, Opt. Express 29, 27807 (2021), or pdf: Optics Express 29, 27807 (2021).
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