Publications & Patents

(Most of recent years’ papers, and a partial list of the earlier ones):

  1. B. Fischer and M.W. Klein, “Magnetic and nonmagnetic impurities in two-dimensional metals”, Phys. Rev. B 11, 2025 (1975).
  2. B. Fischer and M.W. Klein, “New Kind of Phase Transition in Randomly Distributed Tunneling Dipoles in Alkali-Halides”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 756 (1976).
  3. a. B. Fischer and M.W. Klein,  “Strain Defects in Alkali-Halides: A Heuristic Model for Glasses”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 289 (1979).   3 b. M.W. Klein, B. Fischer, A.C. Anderson and P.J. Anthony, “Strain Interaction and the Low-Temperature Properties of Glasses”, Phys. Rev. B 18, 5887 (1978).
  4. B. Fischer, M. Cronin-Golomb, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Amplified Reflection, Transmission and Self-Oscillation in Real-Time Holography”, Opt. Lett. 6, 519 (1981).
  5. J.O. White, B. Fischer, M. Cronin-Golomb and A. Yariv, “Coherent Oscillation by Self-Induced Gratings in the Photorefractive Crystal BaTiO3”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 450 (1982).
  6. B. Fischer, M. Cronin-Golomb, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Amplifying Continuous Wave Phase Conjugate Mirror with Strontium Barium Niobate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 863 (1982).
  7. M. Cronin-Golomb, J.O. White, B. Fischer and A. Yariv, “Exact Solution of a Nonlinear Model of Four-Wave Mixing and Phase Conjugation”, Opt. Lett. 7, 313 (1982).
  8. B. Fischer, M. Cronin-Golomb, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Real-Time Phase Conjugate Window for One-Way Optical Field Imaging Through a Distortion”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 141 (1982).
  9. M. Cronin-Golomb, B. Fischer, J. Nilsen, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “A Laser with Dynamic Holographic Intracavity Distortion Correction Capability”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 219 (1982).
  10. M. Cronin-Golomb, B. Fischer, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Passive (Self-Pumped) Phase Conjugate Mirror: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 689 (1982).
  11. M. Cronin-Golomb, B. Fischer, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “A Passive Phase Conjugate Mirror Based on Self-Induced Oscillation in an Optical Ring Cavity”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 42, 919 (1983).
  12. M. Cronin-Golomb, B. Fischer, J.O. White and A. Yariv, “Theory and Application of Four Wave Mixing in Photorefractive Materials”, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics QE–20, 2 (1984).
  13. B. Fischer and S. Sternklar, “Image Transmission and Interferometry Through Multimode Fibers using Self-Pumped Phase Conjugation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 46, 113 (1985).
  14. B. Fischer and S. Sternklar, “A New Optical Gyroscope Based on the Ring Passive Phase Conjugator”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 1 (1985).
  15. B. Fischer, “Theory of Self Frequency Detuning of Oscillators by Wave Mixing in Photorefractive Crystals”, Opt. Lett. 11, 236 (1986).
  16. S. Sternklar, S. Weiss and B. Fischer, “Tunable Frequency Shift of Photorefractive Oscillators”, Opt. Lett. 11, 165 (1986).
  17. S. Sternklar, S. Weiss, M. Segev and B. Fischer, “Beam Coupling and Locking of Lasers Using Photorefractive Four-Wave Mixing”, Opt. Lett. 11, 528 (1986).
  18. S. Sternklar, S. Weiss, M. Segev and B. Fischer, “Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with Multimode Fibers Using the Double Phase Conjugate Mirror”, Appl. Opt. 25, 4518 (1986).
  19. S. Weiss, S. Sternklar and B. Fischer, “Double Phase Conjugate Mirrors: Analysis, Operation and Applications”, Opt. Lett. 12, 114 (1987).
  20. B. Fischer, S. Weiss and S. Sternklar, “Spatial Light Modulation & Filtering Effects in Photorefractive Wave Mixing”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 483 (1987).
  21. S. Sternklar, S. Weiss and B. Fischer, “Optical Information Processing with the Double Phase Conjugate Mirror”, Optical Engineering 26, 423 (1987).
  22. M. Segev, S. Weiss and B. Fischer, “Coupling of Diode Laser Arrays with Passive Phase Conjugate Mirrors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 1397 (1987).
  23. B. Fischer and S. Sternklar, “Self Bragg Matched Beam Steering Using the Double Color Pumped Photorefactive Oscillator”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 74 (1987).
  24. S. Sternklar and B. Fischer, “Double Color Pumped Photorefractive Four Wave Mixing Oscillator and Image Color Conversion”, Opt. Lett. 12, 711 (1987).
  25. S. Weiss, M. Segev, S. Sternklar and B. Fischer, “Photorefractive Dynamic Optical Interconnects”, Appl. Opt. 27, 3422 (1988).
  26. B. Fischer, S. Sternklar and S. Weiss, “Photorefractive Oscillators”, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 25, 550 (1989).
  27. S. Weiss and B. Fischer,”Photorefractive Saturable Absorptive and Dispersive Optical Bistability”, Opt. Comm. 70, 515 (1989).
  28. M. Segev, Y. Ophir and B. Fischer, “Nonlinear Multi Two-Wave Mixing, the Fanning Process and its Bleching in Photorefractive Media”, Opt. Comm. 77, 265 (1990).
  29. M. Segev, Y. Ophir and B. Fischer, “Photorefractive Self-Defocusing”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1086 (1990).
  30. a. O. Werner, B. Fischer, A. Lewis and I Nebenzahl, “Saturable Absorption, Wave Mixing and Phase Conjugation with Bacterio-Rhodopsin”, Opt. Lett. 15, 1117 (1990);   30 b. O. Werner, B. Fischer and A. Lewis, “Strong Self-Defocusing Effect and Four-Wave Mixing in Bacteriorhodopsin Films”, Opt. Lett. 17, 241 (1992).
  31. M. Segev, Y. Ophir, B. Fischer and G. Eisenstein, “Mode-Locking and Frequency tuning of a Laser Diode Array in an External Cavity Using a Photorefractive Phase Conjugate Mirror”,  Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 2523 (1990).
  32. M. Horowitz, D. Kligler and B. Fischer, “Time Dependent Behavior of Photorefractive two and Four-Wave Mixing”, J. Opt. Soc. of Am. B 8, 2204 (1991).
  33. a. B. Fischer, O. Werner, M. Horowitz and A. Lewis, Passive Transverse mode organization in a photorefractive oscillator with saturable absorber, Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 2729 (1991);   33 b. B. Fischer, O. Werner, M. Horowitz and A. Lewis, Passive transverse-mode-locking in a photorefractive oscillator with saturable absorber, CLEO, CFP2, 1991.
  34. M. Segev, B. Crosignani, A. Yariv and B. Fischer, “Spatial Solitons in Photorefractive Media”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 923 (1992).
  35. M. Horowitz, A. Bekker and B. Fischer, “Broadband Second Harmonic Generation in Sr_xBa1-xNb2O6 by Spread Spectrum Phase Matching with Controllable Domain Gratings”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 2619, (1993).
  36. a. B. Fischer, J. Zyskind, J. Sulhoff and D. J. DiGiovanni, “Nonlinear wave mixing and induced gratings in erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, Opt. Lett. 18, 2108, (1993)36 b. B. Fischer, J. Zyskind, J. Sulhoff and D. J. DiGiovanni, “Nonlinear Four-Wave Mixing in Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers”, Electronics Lett. 29, 1858 (1993). 
  37. M. Horowitz, A. Bekker and B. Fischer, “A New Image and Hologram Fixing Method with SrxBa1-xNbb2O6Crystals”, Opt. Lett. 18, 1964 (1993).
  38. B. Fischer and M. Horowitz, “Simultaneous Generation of Sum, Difference and Harmonics of Two Laser Frequencies”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 679, (1994).
  39. a. M. Horowitz, R. Daisy, B. Fischer and J. Zyskind, “Linewidth Narrowing Mechanism in Lasers by Nonlinear Wave Mixing”, Opt. Lett. 19, 1406 (1994).    39 b. M. Horowitz, R. Daisy, B. Fischer and J. Zyskind, Narrow-linewidth, singlemode erbium-doped fibre laser with intracavity wave mixing in saturable absorber”, Electronics Lett. 30, 648 (1994). 39 c. M. Horowitz, R. Daisy and B. Fischer, “Filtering behavior of self-induced three-mirror cavity formed by intracavity wave mixing in a saturable absorber”, Opt. Lett. 21, 299 (1996).
  40. B. Fischer, A Rosen and S. Fishman, “Localization in Frequency for Periodically Kicked Light Propagation in a Dispersive Single Mode Fibers”, Opt. Lett. 24, 1463 (1999).
  41. S. A. Havstad, B. Fischer, A. W. Willner and M. G. Wickham, “Loop-Mirror Filters based on saturable Gain or Absorber Gratings”, Opt. Lett. 24, 1466 (1999).
  42. B. Fischer, A. Rosen, A. Bekker and S. Fishman, “Experimental Observation of Localization in the Spatial Frequency Domain of Optical Kicked System”, Phys. Rev. E 61, R4694, (2000).
  43. A. Rosen, B. Fischer, A. Bekker, and S. Fishman, “Optical Kicked System Exhibiting Localization in the Spatial Frequency Domain”, J. Opt. Soc. of Am. B (JOSA B) B17, 1579 (2000).
  44. B. Fischer, B. Vodonos, S. Atkins and A, Bekker, “Dispersion-mode pulsed laser”, Opt. Lett. 24, 728, (2000).
  45. N. K. Berger, B. Levit, A. Bekker and B. Fischer, “Real-time spectrum analyzer based on chirped fiber Bragg gratings”, Electronics Lett. 36, 1189 (2000).
  46. N. K. Berger, B. Levit, S. Atkins and B. Fischer, “Time-lens based spectral analysis of optical pulses by electrooptic phase modulation”, Electronics Lett. 36, 1644, (2000).
  47. N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Optical pulse intensity and phase measurement by time-to-space conversion based on time-lens operation”, Electronics Lett. 37, 1033 (2001).
  48. B. Fischer, B. Vodonos, S. Atkins and A. Bekker, “Demonstration of localization in the frequency domain of mode-locked lasers with dispersion”, Opt. Lett. 27, 1061 (2002).
  49. A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Phase transition theory of many-mode ordering and pulse formation in lasers”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 103901 (2002).
  50. S. Atkins and B. Fischer, “All-optical pulse rate multiplication by fractional Talbot effect and field to intensity conversion with cross gain modulation”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 15, 132 (2003).
  51. N. K. Berger, B. Vodonos, S. Atkins, V. Smulakovsky, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Compression of periodic light pulses using all-optical repetition rate multiplication”, Opt. Comm. 217, 343, (2003).
  52. A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Inhibition of modulation instability in lasers by noise”, Opt. Lett. 28, 1326 (2003).
  53. S. Atkins, B. Vodonos, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Fractional dispersion modes in pulsed fiber lasers”, Opt. Comm. 222, 393 (2003).
  54. A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Phase transition theory of pulse formation in passively mode-locked lasers with dispersion and Kerr nonlinearity”, Opt. Comm. 223, 151 (2003).
  55. S. Atkins, A. Rosen, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Evolution of localization in frequency for modulated light pulses in a recirculating fiber loop”, Opt. Lett. 28, 2228 (2003).
  56. N. K. Berger, B. Levit, S. Atkins, and B. Fischer, “Repetition rate multiplication of optical pulses using uniform fiber Bragg gratings”, Opt. Comm. 221, 331 (2003).
  57. A. Gordon,  B. Vodonos, V. Smulakovski, and B. Fischer, “Melting and freezing of light pulses and modes in mode-locked lasers,” Opt. Express, 11, 3418 (2003),  PDF.
  58. J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Spectral Fraunhofer regime: time-to-frequency conversion by the action of a single time lens on an optical pulse”, Appl. Opt. 43, 483 (2004).
  59. J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “ Spectro-temporal imaging of optical pulses with a single time lens”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16, 882 (2004).
  60. A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Statistical mechanics theory of active mode locking with noise”, Opt. Lett. 29, 1022 (2004).
  61. A. Ben-Bassat, A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “High order stimulated Brillouin scattering in single-mode fibers with strong feedback”, Ukr. J. Phys. 49, 496 (2004).
  62. N. K. Berger,  B. Levit, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Compression of periodic optical pulses using temporal fractional Talbot effect”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16, 1855 (2004).
  63. O. Gat, A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Solution of a statistical-mechanics model for pulse formation in lasers”, Phys. Rev. E 70, 046108 (2004).
  64. B. Vodonos, R. Weill, A. Gordon, V. Smulakovsky, A. Bekker, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Formation and annihilation of laser light pulse quanta in a thermodynamic-like pathway”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 153901 (2004).
  65. J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit, V. Smulakovsky and B. Fischer, “Frequency shifting of microwave signals using a general temporal self-imaging (Talbot) effect in optical fibers”, Opt. Lett. 29, 2849 (2004).
  66. J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Simplified temporal imaging systems for optical waveforms”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 17, 94 (2005).
  67. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Time-to-frequency conversion of optical waveforms using single time lens system”, Physica Scripta T118, 115 (2005).
  68. N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Complete characterization of optical pulses using chirped fiber Bragg grating”, Opt. Comm. 251, 315 (2005).
  69. O. Gat, A. Gordon and B. Fischer, “Light-mode locking: a new class of solvable statistical physics systems”, New J. Phys. 7, 151 (2005); or in .
  70. R. Weill, A. Rosen, A. Gordon, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Critical behavior of light in mode-locked lasers”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 013903 (2005).
  71. N. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Phase measurement of periodic optical pulses using temporal fractional Talbot effect”, Electronics Lett. 41, 57 (2005).
  72. B. Vodonos, A. Bekker, V. Smulakovsky, A. Gordon, O. Gat, N. K. Berger and B. Fischer “Experimental study of the stochastic nature of the pulsation self-starting in passive mode-locking “, Opt. Lett., Opt. 30, 2787 (2005).
  73. J. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit, V. Smulakovsky and B. Fischer, “Reconfigurable generation of high repetition-rate optical pulse trains based on temporal diffraction gratings, Opt. Lett. 30, 3228, (2005).
  74. a. O. Shapira and B. Fischer, “Localization of light in a random grating array in a single mode fiber”, J. Opt. Soc. of Am. B (JOSA B), 22, 2542 (2005);   74 b. This work was firstly presented in the “Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics”,  CLEO paper CTuM41, Baltimore, 2001.
  75. N. K. Berger, B. Levit, V. Smulakovsky and B. Fischer, “Complete Characterization of Optical Pulses by Real-Time Spectral Interferometry”, Appl. Opt. 44, 7862 (2005).
  76. N. K. Berger,  B. Levit, and B. Fischer, “Delay lines with tailored high-dispersion orders for periodic optical pulses”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 18, 1485 (2006).
  77. Azana, N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Broadband arbitrary waveform generation based on microwave frequency upshifting in optical fibers”, IEEE J. Lightwave Techn. 24, 2663 (2006).
  78. N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, “Reshaping Periodic Light Pulses using Cascaded Uniform Fiber Bragg Gratings”, IEEE J. Lightwave Techn. 24, 2746 (2006).
  79. M. Katz, A. Gordon, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Non-Gibbsian stochastic light-mode dynamics of passive mode-locking”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 113902 (2006).
  80. R. Gordon, Omri Gat, B. Fischer and F. X. Kärtner, “Self-starting of passive mode locking”, Opt. Express 14, 11142 (2006); or PDF .
  81. N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, M. Kulishov and D. V. Plant and J. Azana,, “Temporal differentiation of optical signals using a phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating”; Opt. Express 15, 371 (2007) or PDF .
  82. N. K. Berger and B. Fischer, “Unified approach to short optical pulse recording and spatial imaging with subwavelength resolution”, Opt. Comm. 274, 50 (2007).
  83. N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, ” Optical comb filter based on spectral Talbot effect in uniform fiber Bragg gratings”, Electronics Lett. 43, 665 (2007).
  84. R. Weill, B. Vodonos, A. Gordon, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Statistical light-mode dynamics of multipulse passive mode locking”,  Phys. Rev. E 76, 031112 (2007); (See publisher note in Phys. Rev. E 76, 059903 (2007).
  85. N. K. Berger, B. Levit and B. Fischer, and J. Azana, “Picosecond flat-top pulse generation by low-bandwidth electro-optic phase sinusoidal phase modulation”, Opt. Lett. 33, 125 (2008).
  86. M. Nazarathy, Z. Zalevsky, A. Rudnitsky, B. Larom, A. Nevet, M. Orenstein, and B. Fischer, “All optical linear reconfigurable logic with nonlinear phase erasure”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. (JOSA) A 26, A21, (2009).
  87. M. Katz, B. Fischer, and O. Gat, “Gain balance of pulses and noise in passive mode-locking with slow saturable absorber”, Opt. Lett. 34, 2267 (2009).
  88. M. Katz, O. Gat  and B. Fischer, “Noise-induced oscillations in fluctuations of passively mode-locked pulses”, Opt. Lett. 35, 297 (2010).
  89. R. Weill, B. Fischer, O. Gat, “Light-mode condensation in actively mode-locked lasers”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 173901 (2010).
  90. A. Rosen, R. Weill, B. Levit, V. Smulakovsky, A. Bekker, and B. Fischer, “Experimental observation of critical phenomena in a laser light system”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 013905 (2010).
  91. R. Weill, B. Levit, A. Bekker, O. Gat, and B. Fischer, “Laser light condensate: Experimental demonstration of light-mode condensation in actively mode locked laser”,  Opt. Express 18, 16520 (2010), or PDF.
  92. M. Zakai and B. Fischer, “The distribution route from ancestors to descendants”, B.D.D. (Bar-Ilan University Press) 23, 71, (2010).
  93. M. Katz, V. Smulakovsky, A. Bekker, O. Gat  and B. Fischer, “Experimental study of the stability and optimization of multi-pulse passive mode-locking”, Opt. Lett. 35, 4054 (2010).
  94. N. Berger, B. Levit, and B. Fischer, “Measurement of fiber chromatic dispersion using spectral interferometry with modulation of dispersed laser pulses”, Opt. Comm. 283, 3953, (2010).
  95. R. Weill, O. Gat and B. Fischer, “Spectral sidebands and multipulse formation in passively mode-locked lasers”, Phys Rev. A 83, 043831, (2011).
  96. B. Fischer and R. Weill, “When does single-mode lasing become a condensation phenomenon?”, Opt. Express 20, 26704 (2012); or pdf  and
  97. B. Fischer and A. Bekker, “Many-Body Photonics”, Optics & Photonics News (OPN) 24, 40 (2013).
  98. A. Schwartz and B. Fischer, “Multi-dimensional laser mode-combs”, Opt. Express, 21, 6196, (2013);  or  PDF,  also in
  99. G. Oren, A. Bekker and B. Fischer, “Classical condensation of light pulses in a loss trap in a laser cavity”, Optica Vol. 1, p. 145, 2014, or a pdf file: Optica 1, 145 (2014).
  100. R. Weill, A. Bekker, V. Smulakovsky, B. Fischer and O. Gat, “Noise-mediated Casimir-like pulse interactions mechanism in lasers”, Optica 3, 189, 2016, or a pdf file: Optica, Vol. 3, 189 (2016)Supplementary Information.
  101. M. Zhurahov, A. Bekker, B. Levit, R. Weill, and B. Fischer, “CW Laser Light Condensation”, Opt. Express 24, 6553 (2016) or in pdf.
  102. R. Weill, A. Bekker, B. Levit, R. Weill, and B. Fischer, Breaking two laser axioms Lasing without inversion and thermal equilibrium”:, (2016) or pdf: arXiv v. 2 (2017).
  103. R. Weill, A. Bekker, B. Levit, M. Zhurahov, and B. Fischer, “Thermalization of one-dimensional photon gas and thermal lasers in erbium-doped fibers”, Opt. Express 25, 18963 (2017)  or a pdf file: Opt. Express 25, 18963 (2017).
  104. M. Zhurahov, A. Bekker, B. Levit, R. Weill, and B. Fischer, “Bistability in a ring erbium-doped fiber laser due to ejected backward amplified spontaneous emission,” Opt. Express 25, 32541 (2017)  or pdf: Opt. Express, 25, 32541 (2017).
  105. Y. Sourani, A. Bekker, B. Levit and B. Fischer, Tuning, selecting and switching wavelengths in lasers with chirped and sampled fiber Bragg gratings by high-order mode-locking”, Opt. Comm. 431, 151 (2019), and Supplementary Video S1  and  Video S2.
  106. R. Weill, A. Bekker, B. Levit, and B. Fischer, “Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in an Er-Yb co-doped fiber cavity”, Nature Comm. 10, 747 (2019),  or  Nature Comm., 10, 747, 2019, Supplementary Information.
  107. A. Bekker, B. Levit, R. Weill, and B. Fischer,  “Nonlinear light mode dispersion and nonuniform mode comb by a Fabry-Perot with chirped fiber gratings, Opt. Express 28, 18135 (2020); or pdf: Opt. Express 28, 18135 (2020).
  108. R. Weill, A. Bekker, B. Levit, and B. Fischer, “Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in a long fiber cavity”, Opt. Express 29, 27807 (2021), or pdf: Optics Express 29, 27807 (2021).


  1. “Passive Phase Conjugate Mirror”; US Patent No. 4,529,273 (1985)
  2. “Optical apparatus and method based on measurement of phase or frequency shift of an oscillating beam, particularly useful as an Optical Gyro”; US Patent No. 4,765,740 (1988); Israel No. 74284.
  3. “Optical apparatus and method for Multi-Pumped Beam Coupling”; Israel Patent No. 79581 (1986)
  4. “Optical Apparatus and Method for Beam Coupling Useful in Light Beam Steering and Spatial Light Modulation”; Israel  patent No. 81723,  1987; US Patent No. 4,869,579 (1989).
  5. “Method and apparatus for linewidth narrowing and single mode operation in lasers by intra-cavity wave mixing”; US Patent No. 5,646,951 (1997).
  6. “Methods for fixing optical information in crystals and for Quasi-Phase Matching in frequency mixing”; US Patent No. 5,691,829 (1997).
  7. “Wavelength-selectable laser system using cavity resonance frequency, especially useful for fiber optic communication and wavelength division multiplexing”; US Patent No. 6,389,047 (2002)
  8. “Dynamic Fiber Loop-Mirror Filter based on pump-induced saturable gain or saturable absorber gratings”; US patent No. 6,389,195 (2002)
  9. “Tunable laser with a fixed and stable wavelength grid especially useful for WDM in fiber optic communication systems”; US Patent No. 7,046,704 (2006).